Monday, September 8, 2014

Hey guys!
I'm still in Medieval Japan, obviously. I was speaking with some of the others here and did you know that not too long ago there were invasions from Mongol's here? They came scarily close to taking over this beautiful area.

I also learned about the Samurai and their even better then what you'd think from the movies. Their real and were hardworking warriors, their armor was unique for not just being metal like most armors were, they were a type of fabric that would bend with the swords making it harder to be struck permanently. The samurai have a certain unique code they have to live by which is: Rectitude, Courage, Benevolence, Respect, Honesty, Honor, and Loyalty. They were trained to think ten moves ahead of their opponent and battle swiftly. Japan is such a wonderful and inspiring place! I know I'll have to go back home soon but it's so hard to leave all this beauty!

See you soon!
Lilia Aguilar

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Guess where I am! Medieval Japan!
This place is beautiful! The culture is so unique and most of it was influenced by China! Most of their writings, and government was taken from China! Just as Buddhism was. You should come and visit, I'm going to the Noh theater today. I've heard so many good things from it! And I decided to study more on it. They wear beautiful, intricate masks, it is one of the oldest forms of theater in the world! I also just came from the Zen Gardens! 

It's a peaceful garden, a place for meditation. It's very complex, filled with sand, bushes, trees, and rocks all placed in a beautiful manor and elaborate landscapes.

That's all for now! I'll get back to you next time!
Lilia Aguilar